193 Fore Rd. Marshall, NC 28753 


MMA describes a nontraditional style of Martial Arts that includes standing and ground combat techniques, differing from most Martial Art Styles that concentrate on one or the other. Historically, Martial Art competitions were held by different schools that practiced the same style. This improved the abilities of the students in one style. The student versed in both genres of Martial Arts, (standing and ground) could surprise and overwhelm his adversary, with techniques his one dimensional opponent has never been exposed to. 

Team Full Circle, practicing at Full Circle Martial Arts, in Marshall NC, manages and trains Amateur and Professional Fighters to dominate in the Professional Fight Arena!!! Are YOU one of the few, who can win at this sport? If you have the DESIRE and WILL POWER, we have the knowledge you must possess to go to the TOP and stay at the TOP! 

Grand Master Tony Rogers has taught Martial Arts for over 35 years, practicing, since he was 6 years old. He has mastered over 9 standing and ground styles, including Hapkido, Akido, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wabujitsu, Snake, Tiger and Crane Kung Fu, Karate, Boxing and more. Every Style of Martial Arts, has something to offer, whether it is punching and kicking or ground submission techniques, you can learn important skills from every style of Martial Arts.

Knowing what technique to use in the ring, what will work, what can be countered and how to counter a move are just a few of the things you must know before you start your professional career. Finding the right School is 99% of the battle. Grand Master Tony has valuable experience inside the ring, giving his students a real advantage over opponents. With skill, experience and conditioning, you will have the advantage in the cage.